Don’t discard that turmeric root!
Despite the many published pieces out there telling you that curcumin is the only valuable part of the turmeric root, turmeric has plenty more to offer.
Curcumin only accounts for 5-6% of the entire turmeric root.
The other 94-95% of the root still provides benefits, but they are different.
Let’s go over what the benefits are of each…
Turmeric root has over 100 different powerful compounds…
Especially when it comes to antioxidant and flavonoid effects. It’s great for boosting your immune system and helping to keep you in balance.
There was a study done that specifically compared turmeric and curcumin to figure out which was more effective at strengthening the immune system. The study found that turmeric root was extremely effective at increasing the body’s level of perforin.
Perforin is a protein that supports your immune system – it stimulates/activates it, making it more effective.
Turmeric root was found to have two times more effect on perforin levels than curcumin, making it the superior choice for immune system boosting.
(Learn more turmeric benefits by clicking here)
Curcumin is much more specific… 
Curcumin is known for offering anti-inflammatory relief and reducing (or in many cases eliminating) pain throughout your body.
There are more than 3000 peer-reviewed studies that prove its worth when it comes to relieving pain and inflammation.
It also has more specific benefits like boosting brain health, protecting the heart, and more.
(Learn more curcumin benefits by clicking here)
So when should you take them?
Turmeric you should take every day. Making it part of your daily routine will ensure you maintain a strong immune system, keeping you healthy and thriving.
Curcumin can, and should, also be taken daily. But, if you have an injury, you may want to consider a curcumin regimen.
Curcumin is very fast acting, so in the same way you might take an over-the-counter pill for a specific pain, you can use curcumin. It’s great for joint or muscle pain, but can also be effective against headaches.
Taking these two in combination is going to be your best bet – after all, curcumin is taken right from turmeric to begin with. It’s just that in supplement form it is more concentrated for maximum benefit.
To stay healthy, prevent illness and disease, alleviate inflammation, and thrive in your daily life, these supplements are a perfect choice.
Purality Health has you covered…
With Micelle Liposomal Turmeric formula, and Micelle Liposomal Curcumin Gold with Ginger and DHA.
Each of these supplements is designed with top quality ingredients, specifically selected to provide the most benefit to your body.
PLUS, the delivery method we use ensures FULL absorption of these important compounds.
>> Click here to learn more about our powerful turmeric formula for everyday health and vitality
>> Click here to learn more about our potent curcumin formula for reduced aches and inflammation