You‘ve likely heard at least one thing about kombucha. And it probably only led to more questions. Is it tea or soda? Does it contain alcohol? Can …
How To Improve Your Circadian Rhythm
Every single person has a biological clock called their circadian rhythm. It’s also known as the “24-hour clock” or “sleep-wake cycle” and is …
9 Tips For Better Digestion
A lot of people complain about feeling bogged down, bloated, or even gassy after a large meal. This can be due to the foods eaten, but not always. …
Intravenous (IV) Vitamin C Versus Liposomal Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins that your body needs to function. It’s an impressive nutrient that helps the immune system function …
4 Studies Linking Vitamin C And Stress Management
Everyone knows that vitamin C is an important nutrient. And while it’s best known for its immune benefits, other useful functions of vitamin C in the …