Did you know you don’t have to digest alcohol?
Your background and gender play a role…
From there, this is where it goes…
Try to apply the following tips if you plan to indulge in more than one alcoholic drink:

Hangover tips
Curcumin Gold to the rescue!
References and Resources
How your body processes alcohol, For Dummies, https://www.dummies.com/health/nutrition/how-your-body-processes-alcohol/
The effects of alcohol on your body, by Ann Pietrangelo and Kimberly Holland, https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/effects-on-body#1
HAMS: Harm Reduction for Alcohol, Harm Reduction Network, Inc., 2015, https://hams.cc/metabolism/
What happens when you drink on an empty stomach by 2018 by Erica Cirino, https://www.healthline.com/health/drinking-on-an-empty-stomach#on-an-empty-stomach
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFW-RP7L_cf1fn1MOiFPAQVYaT4enDK7c8w05tBcJbAsDuwybuUQ&sWhat causes hangovers? https://www.abundanceandhealth.co.uk/en/blog/post/79-glutathione-the-hangover-remedy-weve-all-been-waiting-for
Glutathione – The Hangover Remedy We’ve All Been Waiting For! by Abundance and health, 2016, https://www.abundanceandhealth.co.uk/en/blog/post/79-glutathione-the-hangover-remedy-weve-all-been-waiting-for
Congeners in Alcoholic Beverages, HealthEngine, 2011, https://healthengine.com.au/info/congeners-in-alcoholic-beverages