As the weather changes, it's nice to have a delicious seasonal treat for you to share with your friends and family. Try this three step, no bake …
6 Ways That House Plants Make You Healthier
Have you ever gone to someone’s home and they have plants everywhere? On shelves, tables, windowsills, hanging from the ceiling? Them making a jungle …
5 Ways Meditation Can Change Your Brain – And Your Life
The notion that your mindset can affect the physical has long been scoffed at. But recent studies have been challenging this. And, as it turns out, …
Does The Microbiome Control Food Cravings?
Almost 100 trillion microorganisms exist in the human gastrointestinal tract alone. And they might be the cause of your cookie cravings. It turns …
The Science Behind Forest Bathing
Forest bathing comes from the Japanese phrase shinrin-yoku. It means the same thing in Japanese as it does English. But it doesn't involve soap -- …